Alumni Float Trip 2025

This page contains information on the 2025 Float Trip. Read all the way through.
What is happening?
Summer is on it’s way. That means it's time to sign up for Alumni Float Trip 2025! It’ll be taking place the weekend during the first full weekend of June (June 6-8). If you have never been to Alumni Float Trip or haven't in a while, then you're in for a treat. We regularly have close to 100 brothers attend so there will be lots of opportunity to reconnect with old friends.
Who should go to float trip?
You should! And as many brothers you can get to come along!
When and where is everything happening?
Friday, June 6 - Sunday, June 8
Ozark Outdoors Resort on the Meramec River near Leasburg, MO. See below for directions.
Note: This resort is MUCH larger than the locations we have reserved in previous years and because of that, we are not reserving the entire location.
Float Trip 2025 Schedule
Thursday, June 6:
If you would like to come down on Thursday, June 6, you will need to make separate arrangements with the resort. This will be the regular cost per person for the cabin you will be staying in, not a flat rate. Click here for the resort’s website for availability and pricing information. They may be contacted at 573-245-6837.
Friday, June 7: Click the button below to check out directions for the golf course.
Golf (12:00 p.m.)
Cuba Lakes Golf & Country Club
12:00 p.m. shotgun start
25ish golfers
Team scramble for 9 holes
Show up and pay at the course
1st, 2nd, AND last place prizes
Bonfire (7:00 p.m.)
The resort will be providing a bonfire.
NOTE: Dinner will not be provided on Friday as we have in previous years. This is to keep costs as low as possible and is also due to the resort being much further away for those driving from Kansas City. However, there is a kitchen on site that serves chicken, pizza, and other appetizers.
Saturday, June 7
Breakfast (8:00 a.m.)
The resort will be providing a catered breakfast on the second floor of the Mercantile Building. See the map linked below for the location.
Auction item check-in (8:15-9:15 a.m.)
Please keep you auction items with you until drop-off on Saturday morning.
We’re expecting the resort will allow us to store them at the same location where we’re eating breakfast since we’ll also be having the auction there as well.
ABT & Alumni Association Meeting (9:30 a.m.)
Shortly after breakfast.
Picture under banner (10:15 a.m.)
Board Bus near office (10:30 a.m.).
Float (tentatively scheduled for 11:00 a.m.)
The resort offers a 4-mile float that is going to be available to purchase here the website.
There is also a 1-mile float that the resort offers(an inner tube instead of a raft) in which you can go on as many times as you want all-day. It begins at the beach on one side of the resort and ends at the other beach. There is a shuttle provided by the resort to repeat the 1-mile float from the beginning. If you prefer this option, then you will simply pay for it at the resort office as opposed to our website.
Lunch (while we are on the river)
We might have a cornhole tournament at some point in the afternoon, but we’re not sure yet.
Dinner (6:00 p.m.)
Food to be catered-in by resort on the second floor of the Mercantile Building.
Auction (7:30 p.m.)
Second floor of Mercantile Building.
Sunday, June 8:
Go find breakfast yourself :)
How much does it cost to go?
Cabin: $200
The majority of our cabins will be located in the southwest area of the resort just south of Paddler’s Bar & Grill. A few others are located not far away.
Covers cabin and meals
*** Does NOT cover the cost to float ***
Camping - Tent or if you would like to bring your own camper. The camping locations we’ve reserved are located near the northwest beach area.
Alumni: $100
Covers camping and meals
*** Does NOT cover the cost to float ***
Active: $50
Covers camping and meals
*** Does NOT cover the cost to float ***
Floating Pass:
4-mile float: $44 (we don’t set the price don’t yell at us)
1-mile float with inner-tube(pay at the resort): $26
Meal Only (if not staying at the resort): $50
When can I sign up?
This applies to anyone reserving a cabin
April 1 at 8:00 a.m. - Initial sign ups will open to brothers 65+ or brothers with a specific need.
April 11 at 8:00 a.m. - Sign ups will be open to everyone and will close on May 12 at 6:00 p.m.
What happens if I cancel?
Any refunds will take place after the conclusion of the float trip.
For monies to be refunded, the Alumni Association must first cover all the costs of organizing the float trip.
For each cancellation before the date of May 12, there will be a refund of everything but $50.
For each cancellation on or after May 12 the cost will be assumed by the cancelling party.
What other sign up details are there?
As mentioned above, this resort is MUCH larger than the locations we have reserved in previous years and because of that, we are not reserving the entire location as we have in past years. Because of this reason, you may possibly not be able to get a cabin with the people you would prefer, as you have in past years. We’ll try our best to accommodate your preferred choice but cannot make any promises.
You will need to purchase the appropriate number of cabin and camping spots.
The floating spots ARE PURCHASED SEPARATELY. As mentioned above, if you are an active or alumnus and wish to float, you will purchase a separate floating pass if taking the 4-mile float here on the website or you will pay once you’re at the resort if you plan on taking the 1-mile float.
If you are not staying at the resort for the weekend but would still like to eat and/or float, then purchase the "Meals Only" and/or “Floating Pass” options.
The payment process may be slightly different than past years. We plan to switch to a new payment system for sign ups. If there are people you prefer to room with, let us know in the sign up form and we will try to accommodate but can’t make any promises since we are not reserving the whole place.
For those of you who will not be able to attend this year but would like to donate to the Kimball Endowment(Fallen Brothers Fund) or Alumni Association, you may do so below.
What are you waiting for! Get to signing up to make memories with brothers!
Click the button below to start the process
You may view the names of everyone currently signed up by clicking the button below. This spreadsheet does not update automatically as people sign up. It is updated manually at most twice a day.